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Is the CDC slow-walking the recognition that pigs are a possible vector for Covid-19?

"Some animals have been reported to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 worldwide, including pet cats and dogs in the United States. To date, there have been no reports of horses, cows, pigs, chickens, or ducks testing positive for SARS-COV-2. More studies are needed to understand if and how different animals could be affected by COVID-19."

Scientist criticizes WHO's failure to consider laboratory origins of Covid-19

From The Express:

But Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, was sceptical the mission would ever find the truth about the Chinese source of coronavirus.
He said: “An inquiry that presupposes – without evidence – that the virus enters humans through a natural zoonotic spillover and that fails to address the alternative possibility that the virus enters humans through a laboratory accident, will have no credibility.
“To have any credibility and any value, an investigation must address the possibility that the virus enters humans through a laboratory accident and must also address the further possibility that the ability of the virus to infect humans was enhanced through laboratory manipulation.”

Covid-19 vaccine experiments involve pigs, but we still don't know whether pigs are spreading the disease to humans

New study shows we still don't know if pigs are a source of Covid-19 and some scientists and the pork industry might like it that way.

A new study play footsie with the issue of pigs as a vector of Covid-19. We still have no word about the Covid-19 status in areas of China affected by Covid-19. What is that all about?

SARS-CoV-2 in fruit bats, ferrets, pigs, and chickens: an experimental transmission study

German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

"We searched PubMed and bioRxiv for articles using the search terms “SARS-CoV-2”, or “COVID-19”, and “animal model”, or “ferret”, or “bat”, or “pig”, or “chicken”, for articles published in English between inception and April 10, 2020. Little information is available on whether severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can infect animals and whether some species have the potential of becoming epidemiological animal reservoirs or could represent suitable animal models for testing vaccines and antiviral drugs. Infection of ferrets and cats by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) has been shown. Field infections of pigs were also reported, whereas poultry did not appear to be affected. For SARS-CoV, non-human primate and ferret models were used."
"our study, as well as the report by Shi and colleagues,
found no susceptibility of pigs by the intranasal inoculation route. Nevertheless, we showed permissiveness of two out of three porcine cell lines tested. The young age of the pigs might have had an influence as an age dependency has been found in other animals—eg, monkeys. To further exclude an anthropozoonotic spill-over infection into farm animals, further experiments should focus on Bovidae or other animals, which are predicted to be susceptible according to cell culture data."

Does China suspect pork is infected with the Covid-19 virus?

China suspended meat imports from more plants as the Asian nation continues to sow confusion in global agriculture markets by suggesting a potential link between the spread of coronavirus and food.


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