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Researchers warn farmed wildlife such as pigs, minks, bats and rodents, could act as “reservoir species” for the Covid-19 virus

Scientists call for Covid-19 links between pets and humans to be further probed

"A team of British scientists has called for more research into the animals susceptible to Covid-19, including pet cats and dogs, for fear they could re-infect human populations who have fought to control the disease. Researchers from University College London say if the Covid-19 virus becomes common in animals in close proximity to humans – such as pets or livestock – outbreaks could occur even if the coronavirus has been eradicated from in people in the area. In a comment article in The Lancet Microbe, the scientists have called for more research into which animals are susceptible to the virus causing Covid-19, and for regular testing to then be carried out on the species posing the highest risk of transmitting the disease to people."

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