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Is there a connection between COVID-19 and African Swine Fever in China?

"Although ASFV is not known to infect humans even where the virus is endemic, identification of ASFV-like sequences in serum from multiple human patients suggests that human infection with African Swine Fever may occur."

Why is China so quiet about the issue of pigs in Wuhan and Hubei possibly being infected with the COVID-19 virus?

It seems reasonable to assume that if they are infected with the COVID-19 virus, the next question will be, "Is African Swine Fever a coinfection of COVID-19? Or are pigs with ASFV also carriers of the coronavirus which is now infecting humans?

Chronic African Swine Fever causes pneumonia, conjunctivitis, digestive problems, heart problems, and neurological problems. For starters.

Is the weirdness of COVID-19 symptoms caused by a simultaneous infection of African Swine Fever? What seems weird in COVID-19 patients is just par for the course for pigs infected with African Swine Fever.

It seems like a simple thing to test for, but nothing that involves pigs or ASFV is simple.

Let's put it this way. Virtually every pig in China has or is at risk for an illness (ASFV) that can manifest itself in a way that makes it look like COVID-19. Doesn't common sense demand that we at least ask if there is a connection?

Why the silence about China's pigs?

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