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Researchers in China may have issued warning about Covid-19 in pork: "Besides pets, livestock are another category of mammals that are frequently in direct contact with humans. We profiled the ACE2 expression in cows, pigs, rabbits (which can also serve as pets), and goats. In these animals, ACE2 was highly expressed in multiple tissues including kidney, liver, and heart, but not in muscles (Figures 5D-5F and S2B in Supplementary data). ACE2 was also highly expressed in the fat of pigs. The data suggested that storage of fresh or undercooked meat, especially viscera tissues, might be risky."

Atlas of ACE2 gene expression in mammals reveals novel insights in transmisson
of SARS-Cov-2

Kun Sun1,*, Liuqi Gu2, Li Ma1, Yunfeng Duan

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